Climate API

class wbpy.InstrumentalDataset(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Return dataset data as dictionary.

Keys are: data[location][date]

Parameters:use_datetime – Use objects for date keys, instead of strings.
class wbpy.ModelledDataset(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Return dataset date start/end pairs.

Parameters:use_datetime – If True, return dates as object instead of strings.
as_dict(sres='a2', use_datetime=False)[source]

Return dataset data as dictionary.

Keys are: data[gcm][location][date]

  • sres – Which SRES to use for future values. The API supports A2 and B1, although not all GCMs have data for both.
  • use_datetime – Use objects for date keys, instead of strings.
class wbpy.ClimateAPI(fetch=None)[source]

Request data from the World Bank Climate API.

You can override the default tempfile cache by passing a function fetch, which requests a URL and returns the response as a string.

get_instrumental(data_type, interval, locations)[source]

Get historical data for temperature or precipitation.

  • data_type – Either pr for precipitation, or tas for temperature.
  • interval – Either year, month or decade.
  • locations – A list of API location codes - either ISO alpha-2 or alpha-3 country codes, or basin ID numbers.
get_modelled(data_type, interval, locations)[source]

Get modelled data for precipitation or temperature.

  • data_type – The data statistic ID. See self.ARG_DEFINITIONS["modelled_types"] for IDs and values.
  • interval – The interval ID. See self.ARG_DEFINITIONS["modelled_intervals"] for IDs and values.
  • locations – A list of API location codes - either ISO alpha-2 or alpha-3 country codes, or basin ID numbers.