Source code for wbpy.indicators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import datetime
import pprint
import urllib
    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

from . import utils

[docs]class IndicatorDataset(object): def __init__(self, json_resp, url=None, date_of_call=None): self.api_url = url self.api_call_date = date_of_call self.api_response = json_resp # The country codes and names self.countries = {} for country_data in self.api_response[1]: country_id = country_data["country"]["id"] country_val = country_data["country"]["value"] if country_id not in self.countries: self.countries[country_id] = country_val self.indicator_code = self.api_response[1][0]["indicator"]["id"] self.indicator_name = self.api_response[1][0]["indicator"]["value"] # For some use cases, it's nice to have direct access to all the # `get_indicator()` metadata (eg. the sources, full description). # It won't always be wanted, so it's requested lazily. self._indicator_response = None def __repr__(self): s = "<%s.%s(%r, %r) with id: %r>" return s % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.indicator_code, self.indicator_name, id(self), ) def __str__(self): return pprint.pformat(self.as_dict())
[docs] def dates(self, use_datetime=False): """Return list of dates used in the dataset. :param use_datetime: If True, return dates as objects, rather than strings. """ dates = [] for country_data in self.as_dict().values(): for date in country_data.keys(): if date not in dates: dates.append(date) if use_datetime: dates = [utils.worldbank_date_to_datetime(d) for d in dates] return sorted(dates)
@property def _indicator(self): """Lazy loading of the dataset's indicator metadata from the API.""" if not self._indicator_response: api = IndicatorAPI() indicators = api.get_indicators([self.indicator_code]) self._indicator_response = indicators[self.indicator_code] return self._indicator_response @property def indicator_source(self): return self._indicator["source"] @property def indicator_source_note(self): return self._indicator["sourceNote"] @property def indicator_source_org(self): return self._indicator["sourceOrganization"] @property def indicator_topics(self): return self._indicator["topics"]
[docs] def as_dict(self, use_datetime=False): """Return dictionary of the dataset's data. Keys are: data[country_code][date] :param use_datetime: Use object as the date key, rather than string. """ clean_dict = {} response_data = self.api_response[1] for row in response_data: country_id = row["country"]["id"] date = row["date"] if use_datetime: date = utils.worldbank_date_to_datetime(date) if country_id not in clean_dict: clean_dict[country_id] = {} if date not in clean_dict[country_id]: # Sometimes values are missing if row["value"]: clean_dict[country_id][date] = float(row["value"]) else: clean_dict[country_id][date] = None return clean_dict
[docs]class IndicatorAPI(object): """Request data from the World Bank Indicators API. You can override the default tempfile cache by passing a function ``fetch``, which requests a URL and returns the response as a string. """ BASE_URL = "" # The API uses some non-ISO 2-digit and 3-digit codes. Make them available. NON_STANDARD_REGIONS = utils.NON_STANDARD_REGIONS def __init__(self, fetch=None): self.fetch = fetch if fetch else utils.fetch
[docs] def get_dataset(self, indicator, country_codes=None, **kwargs): """Request a dataset from the API. :param indicator: The API indicator code, eg. SP.POP.TOTL for total population. :param country_codes: List of ISO 1366 alpha-2 or alpha-3 country codes. If None, returns data for all countries. :param kwargs: The following map directly to the API query args: ``language`` ``date`` ``mrv`` ``gapfill`` ``frequency`` :returns: IndicatorDataset instance containing the dataset and metadata. """ if country_codes: country_codes = [utils.convert_country_code(c, "alpha3") for c in country_codes] country_string = ";".join(country_codes) else: country_string = "all" url = "countries/{0}/indicators/{1}?".format(country_string, indicator) url = self._generate_indicators_url(url, dataset_params=True, **kwargs) call_date = json_resp = json.loads(self.fetch(url)) self._raise_if_bad_response(json_resp, url) return IndicatorDataset(json_resp, url, call_date)
[docs] def get_indicators(self, indicator_codes=None, search=None, search_full=False, common_only=False, **kwargs): """Request metadata on specific World Bank indicators. :param indicator_codes: A list of codes to get metadata for, eg. ["SP.POP.GROW"]. If None, all indicators are returned (~8000) :param common_only: Many of the indicators do not have wide data coverage. If True, filter out the ~6500 indicators that do not appear on the main World Bank website (, :param search: Regexp string to filter out non-matching results. By default, this searches the main name of the entity. If ``search_full`` is assigned True, it will search all fields for the entity. :param kwargs: The following map directly to the API query args: ``language`` ``source`` ``topic`` :returns: Dictionary of indicators and their metadata, with their IDs as keys. """ func_params = { "response_key": "id", "rest_url": "indicator", "search_key": "name", } results = self._get_indicator_data(func_params, indicator_codes, search=search, search_full=search_full, **kwargs) if common_only: # Compile a list of codes that are on the main website (and have # better data coverage), and filter out any results that cannot be # found on the site. page = self.fetch("") ind_codes = re.compile("(?<=" "[A-Za-z0-9\.]+(?=\">)") common_matches = {} code_matches = set([code.lower() for code in ind_codes.findall(page)]) # If key matches common code, include in results. for k, v in results.items(): low_k = k.lower() for code_match in code_matches: if code_match in low_k: common_matches[k] = v break return common_matches else: return results
[docs] def get_countries(self, country_codes=None, search=None, search_full=False, **kwargs): """Request country metadata. eg. ISO code, coordinates, capital, income level, etc. :param country_codes: List of alpha-2 or alpha-3 codes. If None, queries all countries. :param search: Regexp string to filter out non-matching results. By default, this searches the main name of the entity. If ``search_full`` is assigned True, it will search all fields for the entity. :param kwargs: The following map directly to the API query args: ``language`` ``incomeLevel`` ``lendingType`` ``region`` :returns: Dictionary of metadata with alpha-2 codes as keys. """ func_params = { "response_key": "iso2Code", "rest_url": "country", "search_key": "name", } if country_codes: country_codes = [utils.convert_country_code(c, "alpha3") for c in country_codes] return self._get_indicator_data(func_params, country_codes, search=search, search_full=search_full, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_income_levels(self, income_codes=None, search=None, search_full=False, **kwargs): """Request income categories. :param income_codes: List of 3-letter ID codes. If None, queries all (~10). :param search: Regexp string to filter out non-matching results. By default, this searches the main name of the entity. If ``search_full`` is assigned True, it will search all fields for the entity. :param kwargs: The following map directly to the API query args: ``language`` :returns: Dictionary of income levels using ID codes as keys. """ func_params = { "response_key": "id", "rest_url": "incomelevel", "search_key": "value", } return self._get_indicator_data(func_params, income_codes, search=search, search_full=search_full, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_lending_types(self, lending_codes=None, search=None, search_full=False, **kwargs): """Request lending type categories. :param lending_codes: List of lending codes. If None, queries all (4). :param search: Regexp string to filter out non-matching results. By default, this searches the main name of the entity. If ``search_full`` is assigned True, it will search all fields for the entity. :param kwargs: The following map directly to the API query args: ``language`` :returns: Dictionary of lending types using ID codes as keys. """ func_params = { "response_key": "id", "rest_url": "lendingtype", "search_key": "value", } return self._get_indicator_data(func_params, lending_codes, search=search, search_full=search_full, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_regions(self, region_codes=None, search=None, search_full=False, **kwargs): """Request region names and codes. :param region_codes: List of 3-letter codes. If None, queries all (~26). :param search: Regexp string to filter out non-matching results. By default, this searches the main name of the entity. If ``search_full`` is assigned True, it will search all fields for the entity. :param kwargs: The following map directly to the API query args: ``language`` :returns: Dictionary of regions, using ID codes as keys. """ func_params = { "response_key": "code", "rest_url": "region", "search_key": "name", } return self._get_indicator_data(func_params, region_codes, search=search, search_full=search_full, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_topics(self, topic_codes=None, search=None, search_full=False, **kwargs): """Request API topics. All indicators are mapped to a topic, eg. Health, Private Sector. You can use the topic ID as a kwarg to ``get_indicators()``. :param topic_codes: List of topic IDs. If None, queries all (~20). :param search: Regexp string to filter out non-matching results. By default, this searches the main name of the entity. If ``search_full`` is assigned True, it will search all fields for the entity. :param kwargs: The following map directly to the API query args: ``language`` :returns: Dictionary of topics usings ID numbers as keys. """ func_params = { "response_key": "id", "rest_url": "topic", "search_key": "value", } return self._get_indicator_data(func_params, topic_codes, search=search, search_full=search_full, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_sources(self, source_codes=None, search=None, search_full=False, **kwargs): """Request API source info. :param source_codes: List of source IDs. If None, queries all (~27). :param search: Regexp string to filter out non-matching results. By default, this searches the main name of the entity. If ``search_full`` is assigned True, it will search all fields for the entity. :param kwargs: The following map directly to the API query args: ``language`` :returns: Dictionary of sources using ID numbers as keys. """ func_params = { "response_key": "id", "rest_url": "source", "search_key": "name", } return self._get_indicator_data(func_params, source_codes, search=search, search_full=search_full, **kwargs)
[docs] def print_codes(self, results, search=None, search_key=None): """Print formatted list of API IDs and their corresponding values. :param search: Regexp string to filter out non-matching results. By default, this searches the main name of the entity. :param search_key: A second-level KEY in your dict, eg. ``{foo: {KEY: val}}``. If given, will only search the value corresponding to the key. Only used if ``search`` is given. :param results: A dictionary that was returned by one of the ``get`` functions. """ # Natural sort the result keys for nicer print order def try_int(text): return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text def natural_keys(item): key = item[0] return [try_int(s) for s in re.split("(\d+)", key)] if search: # Either search everything, or just the main "name" value of the # entity. if search_key: results = self.search_results(search, results) else: results = self.search_results(search, results, search_key) for k, v in sorted(results.items(), key=natural_keys): # Value will either be a dict or string if hasattr(v, "get"): main_value = v.get("name", v.get("value", v)) else: main_value = v print u"{0:30} {1}".format(k, main_value)
[docs] def search_results(self, regexp, results, key=None): """For a given dict of ``get_`` results, filter out all keys that do not match the given regexp in either the key or the value. The search is not case sensitive. :param regexp: The regexp string, passed to ````. :param results: A dictionary of ``get_foo()`` results. :param key: A second-level KEY in your dict, eg. ``{foo: {KEY: val}}``. If given, will only search the value corresponding to the key. :returns: The input dictionary, with non-matching keys removed. """ compiled_re = re.compile(regexp, flags=re.IGNORECASE) search_matches = {} if key: for k, v in results.items(): row_string = u"{0} {1}".format(k, v[key]) if search_matches[k] = v else: for k, v in results.items(): row_string = u"{0} {1}".format(k, v) if search_matches[k] = v return search_matches
def _generate_indicators_url( self, rest_url, dataset_params=False, **kwargs): """Add API root and query string options to an otherwise complete endpoint. :param rest_url: eg. "incomeLevel?", or "lendingType?key=val". :param dataset_params: Add query values that are only relevant to the get_dataset() call. """ kwargs = dict([(k.lower(), v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]) assert not ("topic" in kwargs and "source" in kwargs) # Fix any API options that shouldn't be accessible via wbpy. fixed_options = {"format": "json", "per_page": "10000"} banned_options = ["page"] kwargs.update(fixed_options) for k in banned_options: if k in kwargs.keys(): del(kwargs[k]) # The dataset call has some extra query params if dataset_params: # If no dates given, use most recent value if all(key not in kwargs.keys() for key in ["mrv", "date"]): kwargs["mrv"] = 1 if kwargs.get("gapfill") is True: kwargs["gapfill"] = "Y" # Some options are part of the url structure. if "source" in kwargs: rest_url = "".join(["source/", str(kwargs["source"]), "/", rest_url]) del(kwargs["source"]) if "topic" in kwargs: rest_url = "".join(["topic/", str(kwargs["topic"]), "/", rest_url]) del(kwargs["topic"]) # Prepend language last, as it should be at front of url. if "language" in kwargs: rest_url = "{0}/".format(kwargs["language"]) + rest_url del(kwargs["language"]) # The kwarg dict doesn't guarantee order, and we want the same args to # always generate the same URL (for caching purposes), so need to # convert to a sorted list before passing to urlencode(). sorted_kwargs = sorted([(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]) query_string = urllib.urlencode(sorted_kwargs) new_url = "".join([self.BASE_URL, rest_url, query_string]) return new_url def _get_api_response_as_json(self, url): """Return JSON content from Indicators URL. Concatenates the returned list if request requires multiple-page responses. """ web_page = self.fetch(url) json_resp = json.loads(web_page) self._raise_if_bad_response(json_resp, url) header = json_resp[0] content = json_resp[1] current_page = header["page"] if current_page < header["pages"]: next_page = url + "&page={0}".format(current_page + 1) content += self._get_api_response_as_json(next_page) return content def _get_indicator_data(self, func_params, api_ids, search=None, search_full=False, **kwargs): """ :param func_params: Dict of variables to build this function: rest_url - the REST part of the url, eg. topic, region. response_key - the val of this key in the JSON response is used as the top-level, identifying key in the returned dictionary. search_key - if search_full is False, this will be the only key searched - the main name of the entity. :param api_ids: API codes for the indicator, eg. if calling a topic might be [1, 2, 5]. :param rest_url: The access point, eg. 'indicators', 'lendingType'. :returns: Dictionary with keys that are the given response_key for the API response. """ # Make the URL and call the JSON data. if api_ids: rest_string = ";".join([str(x) for x in api_ids]) url = "{0}/{1}?".format(func_params["rest_url"], rest_string) else: url = "{0}?".format(func_params["rest_url"]) url = self._generate_indicators_url(url, **kwargs) world_bank_response = self._get_api_response_as_json(url) # Use the 'response_key' value as the top-level key for the dictionary. filtered_data = {} for row in world_bank_response: filtered_data[row[func_params["response_key"]]] = row # No point in keeping the key duplicated in the values, so delete # it del(row[func_params["response_key"]]) if search: # Either search everything, or just the main "name" value of the # entity. if search_full: filtered_data = self.search_results(search, filtered_data) else: filtered_data = self.search_results(search, filtered_data, func_params["search_key"]) return filtered_data def _raise_if_bad_response(self, json_resp, url): if json_resp[0].get("pages") == 0 or json_resp[0].get("message"): raise ValueError(utils.EXC_MSG % (url, json_resp))