Source code for wbpy.climate

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import datetime
import pprint
import json
import itertools

import pycountry

from . import utils

class ClimateDataset(object):

    def __init__(self, api_calls, data_type, data_interval, call_date):
        :param api_calls:
            List of dicts with the keys "url" and "resp". Necessary as multiple
            responses can form one dataset.

        :param data_type:
            eg. ``pr``, ``tas``, ``tmin_means`` 

        :param data_interval:
            eg. ``mavg``, ``decade``

        :param call_date:
            Date of the url call
        self.api_call_date = call_date
        self.api_calls = api_calls

        self._data_type_arg = data_type
        self._interval_arg = data_interval

        for resp in self.api_calls:
            region = str(resp["url"].split("/")[-1])
                code = utils.convert_country_code(region.upper(), "alpha2")
                val = pycountry.countries.get(alpha2=code).name
            except KeyError:  # If not country code, assume it's a basin
                code = region
                val = ""
            resp["region"] = (code, val)

    def __repr__(self):
        s = "<%s.%s(%r, %r) with id: %r>"
        return s % (

    def __str__(self):
        return pprint.pformat(self.as_dict())

[docs]class InstrumentalDataset(ClimateDataset): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(InstrumentalDataset, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) dt = self._data_type_arg self.data_type = {dt: ClimateAPI._instrumental_types[dt]} self.interval = self._interval_arg self.dates = " "\ "Country averages are for 1901-2009, basin averages are for "\ "1960-2009." if self.interval == "decade": self.dates += " For decadal requests, '1900' averages only 9 "\ "years, as the year 1900 is not included. "
[docs] def as_dict(self, use_datetime=False): """Return dataset data as dictionary. Keys are: data[location][date] :param use_datetime: Use objects for date keys, instead of strings. """ results = {} if self.interval == "month": for call in self.api_calls: sorted_months = sorted(call["resp"], key=lambda row: float(row["month"])) vals = [float(row["data"]) for row in sorted_months] region_code = call["region"][0] results[region_code] = vals else: for call in self.api_calls: region_code = call["region"][0] this_region = {} results[region_code] = this_region for row in call["resp"]: if use_datetime: key = utils.worldbank_date_to_datetime( str(row["year"])) else: key = str(row["year"]) this_region[key] = float(row["data"]) return results
[docs]class ModelledDataset(ClimateDataset): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ModelledDataset, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) dt = self._data_type_arg self.data_type = {dt: ClimateAPI._modelled_types[dt]} intv = self._interval_arg self.interval = {intv: ClimateAPI._modelled_intervals[intv]} self.gcms = {} for gcm_key in self.as_dict(): if gcm_key in ClimateAPI._gcm: self.gcms[gcm_key] = ClimateAPI._gcm[gcm_key] all_sres = set() for call in self.api_calls: for row in call["resp"]: row_sres = row.get("scenario") if row_sres: all_sres.add(row_sres) self.sres = list(all_sres) if self.data_type in ["pr", "tas"]: self.control_period = ("1961", "1999") else: self.control_period = ("1961", "2000")
[docs] def dates(self, use_datetime=False): """Return dataset date start/end pairs. :param use_datetime: If True, return dates as object instead of strings. """ dates = set() all_urls = [call["url"] for call in self.api_calls] for url in all_urls: start, end = re.findall("\d+/\d+", url)[0].split("/") if use_datetime: start = utils.worldbank_date_to_datetime(start) end = utils.worldbank_date_to_datetime(end) dates.add((start, end)) return sorted(list(dates))
[docs] def as_dict(self, sres="a2", use_datetime=False): """Return dataset data as dictionary. Keys are: data[gcm][location][date] :param sres: Which SRES to use for future values. The API supports A2 and B1, although not all GCMs have data for both. :param use_datetime: Use objects for date keys, instead of strings. """ results = {} for call in self.api_calls: if "ensemble" in call["url"]: get_gcm_key = lambda row: "ensemble_%d" % row["percentile"] annual_data_key = "annualVal" else: get_gcm_key = lambda row: row["gcm"] annual_data_key = "annualData" region_code = call["region"][0] for row in call["resp"]: # Only future calls have scenarios. Limit results to one # scenario at a time, so we can have one value per time # period. row_scenario = row.get("scenario") if row_scenario and row_scenario != sres.lower(): continue gcm_key = get_gcm_key(row) if gcm_key not in results: results[gcm_key] = {} if region_code not in results[gcm_key]: results[gcm_key][region_code] = {} region_dict = results[gcm_key][region_code] year = str(row["toYear"]) if use_datetime: year = utils.worldbank_date_to_datetime(year) if year not in region_dict: if "annual" in call["url"]: val = float(row[annual_data_key][0]) else: # Assume they are monthly values val = row["monthVals"] region_dict[year] = val return results
[docs]class ClimateAPI(object): """Request data from the World Bank Climate API. You can override the default tempfile cache by passing a function ``fetch``, which requests a URL and returns the response as a string. """ _gcm = dict( bccr_bcm2_0="BCM 2.0", csiro_mk3_5="CSIRO Mark 3.5", ingv_echam4="ECHAM 4.6", cccma_cgcm3_1="CGCM 3.1 (T47)", cnrm_cm3="CNRM CM3", gfdl_cm2_0="GFDL CM2.0", gfdl_cm2_1="GFDL CM2.1", ipsl_cm4="IPSL-CM4", microc3_2_medres="MIROC 3.2 (medres)", miub_echo_g="ECHO-G", mpi_echam5="ECHAM5/MPI-OM", mri_cgcm2_3_2a="MRI-CGCM2.3.2", inmcm3_0="INMCM3.0", ukmo_hadcm3="UKMO HadCM3", ukmo_hadgem1="UKMO HadGEM1", ensemble="All percentile values of all models together", ensemble_10="10th percentile values of all models together", ensemble_50="50th percentile values of all models together", ensemble_90="90th percentile values of all models together", ) _valid_modelled_dates = [ (1920, 1939), (1940, 1959), (1960, 1979), (1980, 1999), (2020, 2039), (2040, 2059), (2060, 2079), (2080, 2099), ] _valid_stat_dates = [ (1961, 2000), (2046, 2065), (2081, 2100), ] _instrumental_types = dict( pr="Precipitation (rainfall and assumed water equivalent), in " "millimeters", tas="Temperature, in degrees Celsius", ) _instrumental_intervals = ["year", "month", "decade"] _modelled_types = dict( tmin_means="Average daily minimum temperature, Celsius", tmax_means="Average daily maximum temperature, Celsius", tmax_days90th="Number of days with max temperature above the " "control period's 90th percentile (hot days)", tmin_days90th="Number of days with min temperature above the " "control period's 90th percentile (warm nights)", tmax_days10th="Number of days with max temperature below the " "control period's 10th percentile (cool days)", tmin_days10th="Number of days with min temperature below the " "control period's 10th percentile (cold nights)", tmin_days0="Number of days with min temperature below " "0 degrees Celsius", ppt_days="Number of days with precipitation > 0.2mm", ppt_days2="Number of days with precipitation > 2mm", ppt_days10="Number of days with precipitation > 10mm", ppt_days90th="Number of days with precipitation > the control " "period's 90th percentile", ppt_dryspell="Average number of days between precipitation " "events", ppt_means="Average daily precipitation", pr=_instrumental_types["pr"], tas=_instrumental_types["tas"], ) _modelled_intervals = dict( mavg="Monthly average", annualavg="Annual average", manom="Average monthly change (anomaly).", annualanom="Average annual change (anomaly).", ) # Convenience codes _shorthand_codes = dict( aanom="annualanom", aavg="annualavg", ) for _k, _d_key in _shorthand_codes.iteritems(): for _d in [_instrumental_types, _modelled_types, _instrumental_intervals, _modelled_intervals]: if _d_key in _d: _d[_k] = _d[_d_key] # Make them accessible via single attr ARG_DEFINITIONS = dict( instrumental_types=_instrumental_types, instrumental_intervals=_instrumental_intervals, modelled_types=_modelled_types, modelled_intervals=_modelled_intervals, ) BASE_URL = "" def __init__(self, fetch=None): self.fetch = fetch if fetch else utils.fetch @staticmethod def _clean_api_code(code): code = code.lower() return ClimateAPI._shorthand_codes.get(code, code)
[docs] def get_instrumental(self, data_type, interval, locations): """Get historical data for temperature or precipitation. :param data_type: Either ``pr`` for precipitation, or ``tas`` for temperature. :param interval: Either ``year``, ``month`` or ``decade``. :param locations: A list of API location codes - either ISO alpha-2 or alpha-3 country codes, or basin ID numbers. """ data_type = self._clean_api_code(data_type) interval = self._clean_api_code(interval) assert data_type in self.ARG_DEFINITIONS["instrumental_types"] assert interval in self.ARG_DEFINITIONS["instrumental_intervals"] # Construct URLs urls = [] for loc in locations: try: int(loc) loc_type = "basin" except ValueError: loc = utils.convert_country_code(loc, "alpha3") loc_type = "country" data_url = "v1/{0}/cru/{1}/{2}/{3}".format(loc_type, data_type, interval, str(loc)) full_url = "".join([self.BASE_URL, data_url]) urls.append((loc, full_url)) # If no exception from URL construction, make requests api_calls = [] for loc, url in urls: resp = json.loads(self.fetch(url)) api_calls.append(dict( url=url, resp=resp, )) call_date = return InstrumentalDataset(api_calls, data_interval=interval, data_type=data_type, call_date=call_date)
[docs] def get_modelled(self, data_type, interval, locations): """Get modelled data for precipitation or temperature. :param data_type: The data statistic ID. See ``self.ARG_DEFINITIONS["modelled_types"]`` for IDs and values. :param interval: The interval ID. See ``self.ARG_DEFINITIONS["modelled_intervals"]`` for IDs and values. :param locations: A list of API location codes - either ISO alpha-2 or alpha-3 country codes, or basin ID numbers. """ data_type = self._clean_api_code(data_type) interval = self._clean_api_code(interval) assert data_type in self.ARG_DEFINITIONS["modelled_types"] assert interval in self.ARG_DEFINITIONS["modelled_intervals"] # As there aren't many variants of each data type, it's simplest to # always call both GCM and ensemble data, for all dates, and not offer # any filtering options. # Derivived statistic requests are all of the "ensemble" kind, and they # have a different set of dates to GCM requests. if data_type in ["pr", "tas"]: all_urls = ["v1/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}", "v1/{0}/{1}/ensemble/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}"] all_dates = self._valid_modelled_dates else: all_urls = ["v1/{0}/{1}/ensemble/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}"] all_dates = self._valid_stat_dates api_calls = [] for loc in locations: try: int(loc) # basin ids are ints loc_type = "basin" except ValueError: loc = utils.convert_country_code(loc, "alpha3") loc_type = "country" for dates, url in itertools.product(all_dates, all_urls): start_date = dates[0] end_date = dates[1] rest_url = url.format(loc_type, interval, data_type, start_date, end_date, loc) full_url = "".join([self.BASE_URL, rest_url]) resp = json.loads(self.fetch(full_url)) api_calls.append(dict( url=full_url, resp=resp, )) call_date = return ModelledDataset(api_calls, data_interval=interval, data_type=data_type, call_date=call_date)